GRADE 000 - 0

Our Pre-Primary caters for children from Grade 000 (age 3 turning 4) to Grade 0 (age 5 turning 6). 

Through interactive play, the formative years of schooling are enhanced in an atmosphere of explorative fun in our fully equipped Pre-Primary campus housed within our greater Pinnacle Waterfall Campus.

With our Pre-Primary playground, the children enjoy jungle gyms, sandpits, and a mud kitchen, to mention just a few exciting offerings.

Our inspirational staff create a safe and stimulating environment for the children, and make sure every one of them feels loved. The atmosphere in our classrooms provide a happy, secure environment for the transition from pre-primary school into the formal disciplines of learning to read and write in Grade 1. 

Inquiry Based Learning

This teaching methodology seeks to create in our children, an inquiring mind, a love of lifelong learning, and a desire to apply knowledge in the most creative way, to solve real world problems. The focus is on the child taking ownership of their educational journey. 

Time2Read Programme

Reading and Comprehension are two of the most critical skills in the modern world. We start our children as early as possible with a reading programme that is designed to develop the best levels of literacy possible. The Time-To-Read programme is lauded for its great success in achieving this.

Global Competencies

We sometimes call these soft skills…but actually they are pretty essential skills that we embed in the way we teach and learn. Creative & Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Self- Management and the Integration of Technology are all significant factors in succeeding in the big wide world. 

Numeracy & Literacy

At the earliest stages in Grade 000 we begin to help our students lay a solid foundation in numeracy and literacy. The stronger this foundation, the stronger a childs ability to make their way through school. Through constant daily tracking and observation, we monitor our students progress in these skills to ensure we guide and plan their learning journey allowing the data, to guide best practice. 

“Music Box” Music Appreciation Programme

It is well known that some of the greatest scientists and mathematicians are also great musicians. Music is a very powerful tool that has the ability to unite us, fill us with so many emotions and of course, help us get moving on the dance floor. Our music appreciation programmes are designed to reveal to our children the joy of music. We have expert teachers who spend time in our school every week as part of the curriculum.


Swim safety is also a critical Like Skill. We partner in term 1 and 4 with Glide Swimming Club who along with our own qualified coach, teach “Learn To Swim” within the timetable and curriculum. 

Robotics & Coding

It's probably old news now… but Coding and Robotics and exciting things like 3D Printing and Computer Aided Design are very much a part of our future. So we get our children in on the act right from the start of the schooling career. Again, we partner with a specialist team from STEM DYNAMICS who share their expert knowledge and skills with our students. 

The aim throughout these formative years is to provide an informal, positive atmosphere where the children are encouraged to participate fully in all of these exciting activities as they enjoy an exponential learning journey readying them for Grade 1. 

Extra Mural activities – Monday to Thursday

Assessments and Reports

We are a four-term school, but run our academic programme on two academic cycles.

At Pinnacle College Waterfall we assess the Students on a continuous basis tracking numeracy, literacy and social Development, so as to be able to remedy any areas of concern as soon as possible during each academic cycle. 

Pre-Primary Grades 000 - 0


  • A progress report is issued at the end of the 2nd and 4th Terms. 
  • These are supplemented by Parent Interviews during the year. 
  • Annual Student lead conferences where our students have the opportunity to showcase their work to their parent.
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