
We are a family-orientated school and we pride ourselves on our sound education offering and set of values.

In terms of academics, we seek to ensure that students develop a strong academic foundation, starting at pre-primary and junior primary level. By having the right foundations in place from the early grades, as students move up through Primary school, they have the essential elements that support them to expand their learning, to apply their knowledge and to build skills and competencies.

Our academic programme is structured around important skills that are needed in the 21st century. These Global Competencies skills help students thrive in a more diverse, interconnected and virtual world. We focus on the five Global Competencies skills - Thinking, social, management, research and communication skills.

Copperleaf students are also exposed to inquiry-based learning, which is a method that emphasises the student’s role in the learning process. Inquiry-based learning uses different approaches to learning, including small-group discussion and guided learning.


We are a four-term school, but run our Academic Programme on three Academic Cycles.

A progress report is issued at the end of each of the Academic Cycles.

  • Cycle 1 is mark based report based on continuous classwork assessments from Term 1. 
  • Cycle 2 is a mark and comment based report on continuous classwork assessments from Term 2 and the Mid-Year Examinations.
  • Cycle 3 is a mark and comment based report on continuous classwork assessments from Term 3 & Term 4 and the Final Examinations at the end of the year.

Reports are published on Academia (Stasy), they are not printed or emailed. Parents will receive login details and passwords to access students’ profiles. For any additional assistance with accessing Academia, please contact Stasy Support:

Stationery lists per grade will be provided and will be required to be purchased privately from a supplier of your choice. Please see the resource page for more information.

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