The pinnacle colleges logo is blue and red
The logo for pinnacle college linden shows a tree growing out of an open book.


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Our Pre-Primary caters for children in Grade 0 (5 to 6 years). 
Through interactive play the formative years of schooling are enhanced in an atmosphere of explorative fun in our fully equipped Pre-Primary “campus” housed within our greater Pinnacle Linden Campus.

With our evergreen Pre-Primary Playground, the children enjoy jungle gyms, sandpits, bike tracks, mud-kitchens to mention just a few exciting offerings.

Our inspirational staff create a safe and stimulating environment for the children, and make sure every one of them feel loved. The atmosphere in our classrooms provide a happy secure environment for the transition from nursery school into the formal disciplines of learning to read and write in Grade 1. 
Our Pre-Primary programme includes:

Time-To-Read Programme
Global Competencies 
Numeracy & Literacy
Music & Movement
Robotics & Coding
Buzzi Bodies Physical Education Programme
Afirkaans and Zulu (Conversational level)

Assessments and Reports

We are a four-term school but run our Academic Programme to a three Academic Cycles.

At Pinnacle College Linden we assess the Students on a continuous basis so as to be able to remedy any areas of concern as soon as possible during each Academic Cycle. 

Pre-Primary Grades 0


  • Term 1 - Face-to-face progress meeting
  • Term 2 - Progress report issued via STASY
  • Term 3 - Student-led-conferences
  • Term 4 - Progress report issued via STASY


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